Sika Italy, plant Cerano. The aim is to reduce the number of accidents to zero. Different tools have been applied, from a monthly safety review to a detailed risk analysis (33 different risks covered) and operative instructions.

Zero accidents, zero tolerance

Zero Accident Project, Italy

Zero accidents in the Cerano production plant: Respectful of the employees’ health and ethic principles, the management established the project "ZERO ACCIDENT" with the target to further reduce the number of injuries in the plant.

The project is based on a clear statement of zero tolerance, strong efforts in training (especially on the job), high surveillance level and clear and defined responsibilities from top management to the floor workers.

Different tools have been applied, from a monthly safety review to a detailed risk analysis (33 different risks covered). Clear and defined operative instructions cover all the main operations, and training activities as well as internal safety audits have become a standard.

The plant obtained the OHSAS certification in 2015. There have been no injuries ever since.