Economic performance
Sika creates sustainable value for its customers, the supply chain and other stakeholders. The company distributes the derived economic value to various stakeholders. This includes governments through taxes, employees through compensation and benefits, shareholders through dividends, suppliers and service providers through raw material and service prices, and society through taxes and local community projects. Part of the value earned is retained in the company for further development of novel technology, acquisitions, capital investments, and to maintain a certain amount of independence from capital market fluctuations.

TABLE 1: The following table indicates the net value added including depreciation and changes in provisions (see Annual Report, p. 146)

Item mm CHF
Total Sales 7,085 100.00
To suppliers 4.662 65.24
Net value added 2,261 31.9

TABLE 2: The net value added flows to the various stakeholders and to Sika Group as follows

Item mm CHF
To employees 1,348 59.54
To Sika 404 17.84
To shareholders
283 15.50
To governments
206 9.10
To lenders 23 1.02
Total 2,264 100.00

Sika donated and supported local communities in the amount of CHF 3.4 million which accounts for 0.15% of the net value added.