GRI 102 - General Disclosures
Organizational ProfilePage in AR
102General Disclosures 
102-1Name of the organization164
102-2Activities, brands, products, and services24
102-3Location of headquarters164
102-4Location of operations136
102-5Ownership and legal form 
102-6Markets served25
102-7Scale of the organization 
102-8Information on employees and other workers59
102-9Supply Chain34
102-10Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain34
102-11Precautionary Principle or Approach 
102-12External Initiatives 

StrategyPage in AR
102-14Statement from senior decision-maker3
102-15Key impacts, risks, and opportunities33

Ethics and IntegrityPage in AR
102-16Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior 
102-18Governance structure62

Stakeholder engagementPage in AR
102-40List of stakeholder groups42
102-41Collective bargaining agreements 
102-42Identifying and selecting stakeholders62
Approach to stakeholder engagement 
102-44Key topics and concerns raised 

Reporting PracticePage in AR
102-45Entities included in the consolidated financial statements135
102-46Collective bargaining agreements 
102-47Identifying and selecting stakeholders62
Approach to stakeholder engagement 
102-49Key topics and concerns raised 
102-50Reporting Period 
102-51Date of Report 
102-52Reporting cycle 
102-53Contact point for questions regarding the report 
102-54Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards 
102-55GRI Content Index 
102-56External assurance 
GRI 103 - Management Approach
Management ApproachPage in AR
103Management Approach Disclosures 
GRI 201
Economic Topics 
103Management Approach Disclosures 
GRI 205Anti-Corruption44
103Management Approach Disclosures 
GRI 206Anti-Competitive behaviour44
103Management Approach Disclosures 
GRI 302Energy50
103Management Approach Disclosures 
GRI 305Emissions51
103Management Approach Disclosures 
GRI 306Effluents and Waste51
103Management Approach Disclosures 
GRI 307Environmental Compliance 
103Management Approach Disclosures 
GRI 403Occupational Health and Safety50
103Management Approach Disclosures 
GRI 405Diversity and Equal Opportunity60
103Management Approach Disclosures 
GRI 412Human Right Assessment44
103Management Approach Disclosures 
GRI 413Local Communities48
103Management Approach Disclosures 
GRI 414Supplier Social Assessment34
103Management Approach Disclosures 
GRI 416Customer Health and Safety 
Management Approach Disclosures 
GRI 147Marketing and Labelling 
103Management Approach Disclosures 
GRI 201 - Economic Performance
GRI 201
Economic PerformancePage in AR
103Management Approach Disclosures 
Direct economic value generated and distributed 
201 - 1Identifying and selecting stakeholders148
GRI 205 - Anti Corruption
GRI 205
Anti-CorruptionPage in AR
103Management Approach Disclosures 
205 - 1
Operations assessed for risks related to corruption44
205 - 2Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures44
205 - 3Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken 
GRI 206 - Anti-Competitive Behaviour
GRI 206
Anti-Competitive BehaviourPage in AR
103Management Approach Disclosures 
206 - 1
Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices44
GRI 301 - Materials
GRI 301
MaterialsPage in AR
103Management Approach Disclosures 
301 - 1
Materials used by weight or volume34
302 - 2Recycled input materials used51
GRI 302 - Energy
GRI 302
EnergyPage in AR
103Management Approach Disclosures 
302 - 1
Energy consumption within the organization50
302 - 3Energy intensity 
302 - 4Reduction of energy consumption50
GRI 303 - Water
GRI 303
WaterPage in AR
103Management Approach Disclosures 
303 - 1
Water withdrawal by source51
GRI 305 - Emissions
EmissionsPage in AR
103Management Approach Disclosures 
305 - 1
Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions 
305 - 2Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions 
305 - 3Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions 
305 - 4GHG emissions intensity 
305 - 5Reduction of GHG emissions 
GRI 306 - Effluents and Waste
Effluents and WastePage in AR
306Effluents and Waste51
103Management Approach Disclosures 
306 - 1
Water discharge by quality and destination 
306 - 2Waste by type and disposal method 
306 - 3Significant spills 
GRI 307 - Environmental Compliance
GRI 307
Environmental CompliancePage in AR
103Management Approach Disclosures 
307 - 1
Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations35
GRI 308 - Suppier Environmental Assessment
GRI 308
Supplier Environmental AssessmentPage in AR
103Management Approach Disclosures 
308 - 1
New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria34
GRI 403 - Occupational Health and Safety
GRI 403
Occupational Health and SafetyPage in AR
103Management Approach Disclosures 
403 - 1
Types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days,and absenteeism, and
number of work-related fatalities
GRI 404 - Training and Education
Training and EducationPage in AR
404Training and Education59
103Management Approach Disclosures 
404 - 1
Average hours of training per year per employee61
404 - 3Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews 
GRI 405 - Diversity and Equal Opportunity
Diversity and Equal Opportunity Page in AR
405Diversity and Equal Opportunity60
103Management Approach Disclosures 
405 - 1
Diversity of governance bodies and employees 
GRI 412 - Human Rights Assessment
Human Rights AssessmentPage in AR
412Human Rights Assessment44
103Management Approach Disclosures 
412 - 1
Operations that have been subject to human rights reviews or impact assessments 
GRI 413 - Local Communities
Local CommunitiesPage in AR
413Local Communities48
103Management Approach Disclosures 
413 - 1
Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs 
GRI 414 - Supplier Social Assessment
Supplier Social AssessmentPage in AR
414Supplier Social Assessment34
Regarding Management approach please refer to GRI 308
GRI 416 - Customer Health and Safety
GRI 416
Customer Health and SafetyPage in AR
Management Approach Disclosures 
416 - 1Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories45
GRI 417 - Marketing and Labelling
GRI 417
Marketing and LabellingPage in AR
Management Approach Disclosures 
417 - 1Requirements for product and service information and labelling35