Composition of governance bodies
The Composition of the Board of Directors:
Out of 7 members 1 is female (14%). Regarding the age group 6 members are over 50 years old, 1 member between 40 and 50 years old.

Sika’s global presence and associated proximity to customers make it extremely important to integrate different cultures and share experience and know-how across national boundaries. The company firmly believes that the diversity experienced by employees on a daily basis is one of the factors of its success, especially at senior management level. At courses and seminars, Sika managers are encouraged to give high priority to diversity in team and project planning. Sika counts more 49 nationalities among its senior managers.

Women account for 22.3% of the total headcount (previous year: 22.6%) and 19.4% of managers (previous year: 18.4%). Sika is constantly working to increase these figures.