With more than 20,000 employees globally, Sika regards training and education as an important instrument in retaining and grooming its workforce. The company is proud of a large share of long-time associates and recognizes the need to keep these valued associates up to date regarding their relevant knowledge and abilities.

Sika therefore maintains a broad range of internal and external training programs and its own training academies, e.g. for operations, sustainability, sales and marketing, and technical faculties. Sika collaborates with universities to gain access to up-to-date knowledge. In 2018, we continued our cooperation with different business schools and universities where we trained our talents with potential to take over Senior Management positions.

Sika has no explicit Group target regarding training and education but strives to offer every Sika employee at least 10 hours of training each year, and managers a fully-fledged training seminar.

The total number of training hours reported by the local companies amounted to 16.8 hours per employee on average (2017: 12.9 hours). In addition, through the launch of a global e-learning platform, we have increased the possibility to launch sales trainings, product trainings, onboarding training and other internal relevant training programs these programs currently account for another 0.2 h per employee.

As training data from the subsidiaries are processed anonymously, Sika does not provide a breakdown by gender at Group level yet.