Injury rate per 1,000 employees, by region

  • Group: 10.4
  • EMEA: 13.6, Americas: 8.3, Asia/Pacific: 4.9, Global Business: 14.8

Lost days rate per 1 million working hours

  • Group: 95
  • EMEA: 136, Americas: 70, Asia/Pacific: 38, Global Business: 82

As accident data from the subsidiaries is processed anonymously, a breakdown by gender at Group level is not possible.

In 2018, Sika had a lost time rate of 10.4 accidents / 1,000 employees (previous year: 8.7). The companies reported 209 accidents (> 1 day of absence from work, excluding the day of the incident) compared to 169 in the previous year. The EMEA region accounted for 122 accidents, Americas for 37, APAC for 22, and Global Business 28. The rate includes leased labor (2,043 heads) not on Sika’s payroll. 17 contractor accidents occurred on Sika premises (previous year: 11). Sika excludes construction and project activities from the accident reporting. No fatality has been recorded in the year under review.

Due to this unexpected result, Sika will process safety programs in 2019, covering all regions and countries, with the objective being to place greater emphasis on employee participation and to avoid small accidents due to lack of attention.