Highly crack bridging concrete protective coating with increased sustainability benefits
Sikagard®-5500 is a 1-part, water-based, elastic protective coating for concrete. Its very high static and dynamic crack-bridging abilities work on a wide temperature range and reduce required consumption. The durable formulation includes materials derived from renewable sources, thereby reducing the product's carbon footprint.
- Water-based
- Applied by brush, roller or airless spray
- 1-part ready to use
- Very low VOC emissions
- Very good crack-bridging ability at low temperatures (-20 °C)
- Good adhesion to concrete
- High diffusion resistance against CO2 reducing the rate of carbonation
- Water vapour permeable
- Time saving: lower consumption for higher performance
- Resistant to cycles of freeze and thaw exposure and de-icing salts
- Very good resistance against weathering and ageing
- Variable consumption to suit performance requirements
- Available in many colours
- Good opacity (covering power)
- Reduced algae and fungi growth
- Easy to clean and maintain
- Packaging made of recycled materials
The Product is used as a decorative coating for:- Any concrete or reinforced concrete structures (normal, lightweight or fibre reinforced) or elements at risk to cracking
- Increasing the service life to all types of concrete structures and elements subject to cracking / cyclic movement: buildings, bridges, car parks, silos, chimney or retaining walls
- Reducing the deterioration of concrete by strongly reducing chloride and CO2 intake
- Assisting with controlling the corrosion of any embedded steel reinforcement by reducing the moisture intake
- Concrete repair refurbishment works over Sika® pore filling or levelling mortars and overcoating existing firmly bonded coatings
- Protection against ingress (Principle 1, method 1.3 of EN 1504-9)
- Moisture control (Principle 2, method 2.3 of EN 1504-9)
- Increasing the resistivity (Principle 8, method 8.3 of EN 1504-9)
- The product includes a UV hardening compound and may only be used in UV exposed areas.
- The product may not be used on horizontal surfaces or areas with constant water contact.
- Water-based
- Applied by brush, roller or airless spray
- 1-part ready to use
- Very low VOC emissions
- Very good crack-bridging ability at low temperatures (-20 °C)
- Good adhesion to concrete
- High diffusion resistance against CO2 reducing the rate of carbonation
- Water vapour permeable
- Time saving: lower consumption for higher performance
- Resistant to cycles of freeze and thaw exposure and de-icing salts
- Very good resistance against weathering and ageing
- Variable consumption to suit performance requirements
- Available in many colours
- Good opacity (covering power)
- Reduced algae and fungi growth
- Easy to clean and maintain
- Packaging made of recycled materials
15 L pails (~20.6 kg)
Refer to the current price list for available packaging variations.
White, thixotropic liquid
Final appearance | matt glossy |
Available in many colours. Refer to current price list for colour range
Applied colours selected from colour charts will be approximate.
For colour matching apply colour sample and confirm selected colour under real lighting, environmental and substrate conditions.
When product is exposed to direct prolonged sunlight, there may be some discolouration and colour variation.
Product Details
Conforms with LEED v4 MR credit: Building product disclosure and optimization — Environmental Product Declarations (option 1)
Conforms with LEED v4 MR credit: Building product disclosure and optimization — Material ingredients (option 2)
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) in accordance with EN 15804. EPD independently verified by Institut für Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU)
Requires less resources in production compared to a conventional product.
Causes less CO2 emissions compared to a conventional product.
CE marking and declaration of performance based on EN 1504-2:2004 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures — Surface protection systems for concrete — Coating
Chemical Base
Acrylate dispersion - 100 % derived from renewable feedstock
Shelf Life
24 months from date of production.
Storage Conditions
The product must be stored in original, unopened and undamaged sealed packaging in cool and dry conditions, protect from direct sun light and frost. Always refer to packaging.
Refer to the current Safety Data Sheet for information on safe handling and storage.
~1.37 kg/l (at +20 °C) | (EN ISO 2811-1) |
Solid content by mass
~ 67.7 % | (EN ISO 3251) |
Solid content by volume
~ 55.5 % | (ISO 3233) |
9400 MPa·s sP7,4; 200 rpm; 23 °C | (EN ISO 3219) |
Crack Bridging Ability
Static crack-bridging (EN 1062-7:2004. Method A):
Consumption* | Crack width at failure | Classification |
2 × 300 g/m2 | 4700 μm | A5 (-20 °C) |
2 × 500 g/m2 | 7300 μm | A5 (-20 °C) |
2 × 600 g/m2 | 9300 μm | A5 (-20 °C) |
Dynamic crack bridging (EN 1062-7:2004. Method B):
Consumption* | Classification |
2 × 300 g/m2 | B2 (-20 °C) |
2 × 500 g/m2 | B3.1 (-20 °C) |
2 × 600 g/m2 | B4.1 (-20 °C) |
*Sikagard®-552 W Aquaprimer was used as primer
Tensile adhesion strength
1.9 N/mm² | (EN 1542) |
Capillary Absorption
w = 0.01 kg·m-2·h-0.5 | (EN 1062-3) |
Permeability to Water Vapour
Consumption | 2 × 500 g/m² |
Dry film thickness | d = 370 µm |
Equivalent air layer thickness | sd H2O = 3.7 m |
Diffusion coefficient H2O | µH2O = 881 |
Requirements for breathability | ≤ 5 m |
Lap Shear Strength
Consumption | 2 × 300 g/m2 |
Dry film thickness | d = 340 µm |
Equivalent air layer thickness | sd H2O = 52 m |
Diffusion coefficient H2O | µCO2 = 15255 |
Requirements for breathability | > 50 m |
Resistance to Weathering
Cycles of 4 h UV-B radiation (60 °C) + 4 h condensation (50 °C).
After 2000 hours samples show no blistering, no cracking and no flaking.
Freeze Thaw De-Icing Salt Resistance
1.7 (1.65) N/mm² | (EN 13687-1) |
Reaction to Fire
B-s1,d0 (2 × 500 g/m2) | (EN 13501-1) |
Layer Thickness
Minimum required dry film thickness to achieve the required characteristics (CO2 equivalent air thickness of 50 m) ≈ 300 μm.
Product Temperature
Maximum | +35 °C |
Minimum | +8 °C |
Ambient Air Temperature
Maximum | +35 °C |
Minimum | +8 °C |
Relative Air Humidity
< 80 %
Dew Point
Substrate and ambient temperature must be at least 3 °C above dew point.
Waiting Time / Overcoating
Waiting time between coats at +20 °C substrate temperature:
Previous coating | Next coating | Minimum waiting time |
Sikagard®-552 W Aquaprimer | Sikagard®-5500 | 5 hours |
Sikagard®-551 S Elastic Primer | Sikagard®-5500 | 18 hours |
300 g/m2 of Sikagard®-5500 | Sikagard®-5500 | 8 hours |
500 g/m2 of Sikagard®-5500 | Sikagard®-5500 | 12 hours |
When the application is over existing coatings, the waiting time for both primers will double.
Maintenance coats of Sikagard®-5500 can be applied without priming if the existing coat has been thoroughly cleaned.
Note: Times are approximate and will be affected by changing ambient conditions, particularly temperature and relative humidity.
Applied Product Ready for Use
Full cure: ~7 days at +20 °C
During that time protect coat from dirt pick up. Time is approximate and will be affected by film thickness, changing ambient conditions particularly temperature and relative humidity.
Product | Per coat |
Sikagard®-551 S Elastic Primer | ~0.10–0.15 kg/m2 |
Sikagard®-552 W Aquaprimer | ~0.10–0.15 kg/m2 |
Sikagard®-5500 | ~0.30–0.6 kg/m2 |
Application of more than 0.3 kg/m2 only possible with airless spray application (not by roller or brush).
Note: Consumption data is theoretical and does not allow for any additional material due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in level, wastage or any other variations. Apply product to a test area to calculate the exact consumption for the specific substrate conditions and proposed application equipment.
Strictly follow installation procedures
Strictly follow installation procedures as defined in Method Statements, application manuals and working instructions which must always be adjusted to the actual site conditions.
Substrate must be clean, dry and free of all contaminants such as dirt, oil, grease, surface treatments and loose friable material which can reduce the adhesion of the coating.
Substrate must be prepared mechanically using suitable equipment such as abrasive blast cleaning or high pressure water jetting to achieve a textured surface profile suitable for the product thickness and required coating adhesion values.
New concrete must be at least 28 days old.
Surface defects, blowholes, cavities and pores must first be prefilled using a pore filler (such as Sika MonoTop®-3020, Sikagard®-720 EpoCem® or Sikagard®-545 W Elastofill) to provide a defect free surface.
For a cementitous pore filler, allow a curing time of at least 4 days before coating. If Sikagard®-545 W Elastofill or Sikagard®-720 EpoCem® is used, then coating can be applied within 24 hours.
Existing coatings must be tested to confirm their adhesion to the substrate and their compatibility. As guidance, in the absence of any national standards or regulations, adhesion test average ≥ 0.8 N/mm2 with no single value below 0.5 N/mm2. For more information refer to the Method statement: Application of Sikagard® protective coatings.
- Existing coatings must be completely removed using suitable equipment and the substrate prepared the same as for 'without existing coating'.
- Thoroughly clean the existing fully bonded coating surfaces of all contaminants using suitable equipment such as steam cleaning or high pressure water jetting.
- For a water-based existing coating, use Sikagard®-552 W Aquaprimer as a primer.
- For a solvent-based existing coating, use Sikagard®-551 S Elastic Primer as a primer.
- If coating type is unknown, carry out compatibility and adhesion testing to determine which primer is most suitable. Wait at least 2 weeks before conducting the adhesion test, as guidance, adhesion test average ≥ 0.8 N/mm2 with no single value below 0.5 N/mm2
Strictly follow installation procedures
Strictly follow installation procedures as defined in Method Statements, application manuals and working instructions which must always be adjusted to the actual site conditions.
Climate conditions during application
The climate conditions during application and curing of the Product can affect the final performance achieved.
- Do not apply the Product if rain is expected.
- Allow enough time for the substrate to dry after rain or other inclement conditions.
- Application during temperatures below the stated application temperatures may reduce adhesion values.
Maintenance coating times
Dark colour shades (especially black, dark red and blue) may fade quicker than other lighter colour shades. Therefore for aesthetic reasons a maintenance or refresher coat might be required at an earlier interval than usual.
- Apply by brush or roller, 1 coat of the appropriate primer at the required consumption rate, to all the surfaces requiring the Sikagard®-5500 coating.
- Ensure the primer is thoroughly dry before over-coating to prevent the formation of bubbles and blisters, particularly in warmer weather.
- The Product is supplied ready for use. Before application, mix using a low speed electrical single paddle mixer or other suitable equipment until a homogeneous consistency and colour is reached (depending on quantity 1-2 minutes).
- Apply evenly by brush, roller or airless spray, 1-2 coats the Product to achieve the required total dry film thickness.
- During application, regularly monitor the wet film thickness and material consumption to ensure the correct layer thickness is achieved.
Also refer to Sika Method Statement: Protective Coatings
Clean all tools and application equipment with water immediately after use. Hardened material can only be removed mechanically.