Sika® Ucrete® FL
(former Ucrete® FL)
Heavy-duty, polyurethane underlayment for Sika® Ucrete® flooring systems
Sika® Ucrete® FL is an underlayment screed for use prior to the application of a Sika® Ucrete® flooring system. It is used to create falls or for the fast repair of damaged floor slabs. It is applied by trowel or screed bar at a thickness of 12 mm to 100 mm.
- Expert installation by fully trained and licensed applicators
- Suitable for application on to 7-day-old concrete and 3-day-old polymer screed
- Non-tainting from the end of mixing
- Good adhesion to the substrate
- Good levelling properties
- Low VOC emissions
- Application of subsequent Sika® Ucrete® products after approximately 16 hours
- Can be filled with aggrgate to improve economy
- Can be accelerated with Sika® Ucrete® Accelerator for fast installation within a 12-hour window
Sika® Ucrete® FL is used as a levelling layer screed for Sika® Ucrete® flooring systems. Sika® Ucrete® FL is used within wet and dry process areas including the following application areas:- Food and beverage facilities
- Pharmaceutical facilities
- Chemical and processing facilities
- Manufacturing facilities and workshops
- The Product may only be used by experienced professionals.
- The Product is not a finished floor and must be overlaid with the appropriate Sika® Ucrete® floor finish
- Expert installation by fully trained and licensed applicators
- Suitable for application on to 7-day-old concrete and 3-day-old polymer screed
- Non-tainting from the end of mixing
- Good adhesion to the substrate
- Good levelling properties
- Low VOC emissions
- Application of subsequent Sika® Ucrete® products after approximately 16 hours
- Can be filled with aggrgate to improve economy
- Can be accelerated with Sika® Ucrete® Accelerator for fast installation within a 12-hour window
Refer to the current price list for available packaging variations.
Cured colour | Red, Orange, Yellow, Bright Yellow, Cream, Grey, Light Grey, Green, Light Green, Green/ Brown, Blue. |
Product Details
Halal Certification Europe (HCE), Sika® Ucrete®, WHFC, Certificate No. 21453-2/1/1/Y1
Food and Beverage Facilities Suitability, Sika® Ucrete®, HACCP, Test Report No. I-PE-769-SA-2-RG-06b
Indoor Air Comfort Gold EN 16516, Sika® Ucrete®, eurofins, Certificate No. IACG-321-01-01-2023
Chemical Base
Water-based polyurethane cement hybrid
Shelf Life
Always refer to the best-before date of the individual packaging.
Storage Conditions
The Product must be stored in original, unopened and undamaged sealed packaging in dry conditions at temperatures between +5 °C and +30 °C. Always refer to the packaging.
Refer to the current Safety Data Sheet for information on safe handling and storage.
Mixed Product | ~2.31 kg/l |
Compressive Strength
Cured 28 days at +23 °C | 55 N/mm² |
Flexural Strength
Cured 28 days at +23 °C | 11 N/mm² |
Tensile Strength
Cured for 28 days at +20 °C | 5 MPa |
Tensile adhesion strength
> 2.0 N/mm² (concrete failure) | (EN 1542) |
Chemical Resistance
Laboratory-defined resistance to many individual chemicals. Before proceeding, contact Sika Technical Service for specific information.
Reaction to Fire
Class Bfl-s1 | (EN 13501-1) |
Layer Thickness
~12–100 mm
Product Temperature
Maximum | +22 °C |
Minimum | +15 °C |
Ambient Air Temperature
Maximum | +30 °C |
Minimum | +5 °C |
Substrate Temperature
Maximum | +30 °C |
Minimum | +5 °C |
Waiting Time / Overcoating
Minimum | 16 hours |
Note: Times are approximate and will be affected by changing ambient conditions, particularly temperature and relative humidity.
2.3 kg/m2 per mm of thickness
Unit | 21 litres |
Unit bulked out with aggregate | 28 litres |
Note: Consumption data is theoretical and does not allow for any additional material due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in level, wastage or any other variations. Apply the Product to a test area to calculate the exact consumption for the specific substrate conditions and proposed application equipment.
Reduced service life due to incorrect treatment of cracks
The incorrect assessment and treatment of cracks may lead to a reduced service life and reflective cracking.
- For static cracks, ensure the width is suitable for overcoating with Sika® Ucrete® FL.
- For dynamic cracks, ensure the movement is within the movement capacity of Sika® Ucrete® FL.
Construction joints and existing static surface cracks in substrate require pre-treating before full layer application. Use Sikadur® or Sikafloor® resins.
The Product can be applied on green or damp concrete with no standing water. Allow for at least 3 days for early concrete shrinkage to occur to prevent shrinkage cracks from appearing on the wearing surface.
Cementitious substrates must be structurally sound and of sufficient compressive strength (minimum 30 N/mm2) with a minimum tensile strength of 1.5 N/mm2.
Substrates must be clean, dry and free of contaminants such as dirt, oil, grease, coatings, laitance, surface treatments and loose friable material.
Surface defects due to voids in the substrate
Voids and blow holes in the substrate will weaken the surface and damage the covering Product if not repaired during the preparation process.
- Fully expose blow holes and voids during surface preparation to identify the required repairs.
- Remove weak cementitious substrates.
- Prepare cementitious substrates mechanically using abrasive blast cleaning, abrasive planing or scarifying equipment to remove cement laitance.
- Cut retaining grooves in the substrate along all exposed edges (perimeter, joints, connections, plinths, columns, covings and drains or gullies).
- Before applying the Product, remove all dust, loose and friable material from the application surface with an industrial vacuuming equipment.
For additional information on products for leveling and repairing defects, contact Sika® Technical Services.
For information on substrate preparation of non-cementitious substrates, contact Sika® Technical Services.
Protecting the material after application
After application, protect the System from damp, condensation and direct water contact for at least 24 hours.
Protect from overhead leaks and condensation
Protect the Product during application from pipe condensation or any overhead leaks.
Ventilation in confined spaces
Always ensure good ventilation when applying the Product in a confined space.
Application on polymer modified cement mortars
Do not apply the product on polymer modified cement mortars if the mortar expands when sealed with an impervious resin.
Waiting time for foodstuff
Allow a minimum of 48 hours after application before placing foodstuff in the same area.
Excessive waiting period or early exposure to moisture causing reduced adhesion between coats
Note: If the time between coats exceeds 48 hours, or if condensation or water impacts the surface during this time the adhesion of the subsequent layer may be reduced.
- Fully abrade the surface prior to the application of the subsequent overlay.
- Pour the mixed Product onto the prepared substrate.
- Spread and compact the Product with a trowel to the required thickness between screed rails or battens, if installed.
- Level the screed surface with a levelling beam spanning onto the screed rails or battens.
- Finish the surface to the required surface texture with trowels or walk-behind power float.
Clean all tools and application equipment with Sika® Thinner C immediately after use. Hardened material can only be removed mechanically.